To enter, choose desired number of ticket stubs 1 for $20, 3 for $50.
All federal and state laws, rules, and regulations apply to this sweepstakes.
To be eligible, tickets must be purchased online no later than 08/20/2022 at 5pm CST.
Outdoor Ability Foundation employees and their immediate families are not eligible to win.
Purchasing the foundations products or participation in any other sweepstakes will not increase one’s chances of winning this sweepstakes.
Odds of winning depends upon the total number of entries received, estimated not to exceed 1:5,000
Winners will be notified by email.
All prizes are guaranteed to be awarded. The average retail value of the hog hunt is $500.
Failure of winners to meet eligibility requirements, respond within specific deadlines(30 days), or any violation of these official rules will result in forfeiture of prize (s) won.
For a copy of the winners list (available 08/20/2022) or official rules, send a self-addressed, stamped #10 envelope by 08/20/2022 to 5237 Short Leaf Lane, Gardendale, AL 35071. Or, see winners posted by 08/20/2022 on the website at